making an icbc claim mistakes

If you’re in an auto accident in British Columbia, there’s a good chance that you’ll need to file an ICBC claim at some point. Unfortunately, the ICBC claims process can be quite confusing, which is why it’s common for mistakes to be made. By avoiding some of the most common mistakes and having the right […]

ICBC to Cap Most Injury Claims at $5500

Like many of you, we have been closely following this week’s news that ICBC wants to impose “injury caps” to reduce compensation for accident victims. There is one piece of good news: the proposed injury cap will not affect existing claims. It will only apply to claims for accidents that occur after April 1, 2019. […]

Warnett Hallen Personal Injury Lawyer - ICBC Claims

It’s no secret that ICBC claims can be complex. While they’re meant to assist you in the event of an accident, it’s also important to remember that they serve similar protections to the other party (or parties) involved in your accident. As a result, you should play it safe by assuming that the ICBC doesn’t […]

Warnett Hallen LLP - Personal Injury Lawyers Vancouver

Following another vehicle too closely, or tailgating, is a dangerous driving practice that many motorists engage in. When a driver is in a rush, distracted, or simply doesn’t realize they are not leaving enough space to slow down or stop, severe and sometimes fatal car accidents can occur. We’re all taught in our driver’s education […]

Personal Injury Lhow long does icbc take to settle a claimawyers Vancouver - Warnett Hallen

If you have recently filed an ICBC claim, you may be wondering how long it takes to settle. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to this question, as each case is unique and must be handled as such. Ultimately, the settlement of your case will depend on numerous factors (including your willingness to reach an […]

The Benefits of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer in Vancouver

Receiving a Long Term Disability denial letter can cause stress, anxiety and frustration. It is very confusing; you are in pain or suffering greatly from an illness and cannot believe the insurance company would deny you. After all you paid into this policy for many years. The financial assistance you expected to receive from the […]

Warnett Hallen - Vancouver Personal Claim Injury Lawyer

Receiving a denial letter from a long-term disability insurance provider doesn’t mean the end. Receiving a denial letter can be devastating, confusing and frustrating. You are not alone. Reasons for Denial Letters from Insurance Companies Many people with legitimate claims receive denial letters from their insurance company. Here are a few common ones: Not having […]

Car Dealership Partially at Fault in Series of Accidents

After a pickup truck was stolen from a Vancouver dealership and subsequently involved in several serious accidents, the dealership faced charges — and was found partially at fault in the subsequent lawsuit. What happened, and what does this mean for the victims of auto accidents with unusual circumstances, such as theft at a dealership? How […]

roadside worker car accident

Over the summer, the BC Automobile Association undertook a survey of drivers to determine driver habits at roadside construction zones. The study unleashed some disturbing results, suggesting that roadside workers continue to face danger from distracted, speeding motorists. Increased Risk of Accidents in Construction Zones Between July 13 and July 19, 2017, the BCAA polled […]

Rules for Registering a Motor Scooter in BC

Mopeds and scooters are one way to save money on transportation costs and reduce your carbon footprint. But before hitting the roads, you need to familiarize yourself with laws regarding limited-speed motorcycles (LSM) and learn how to operate them legally in British Columbia. Is It Legal to Drive Scooters and Mopeds In BC? It is […]
