When you purchase your insurance with ICBC you obtain what is called mandatory underinsured motorist protection (UMP) up to $1 million. What this means is that if an accident is caused by another driver and that driver only has $200,000 in insurance coverage or is uninsured then you can rely upon the UMP coverage up to $1 million if your injury claim is larger than $200,000. That is a good thing because some people do only have $200,000 in insurance coverage.

Many people do not know that for a nominal fee you can purchase an additional $1 million in UMP coverage. This is a very good idea. If you are catastrophically injured it is quite possible that your claim will exceed $1 million. A good percentage of drivers on the road only have coverage up to $1 million. Your excess UMP coverage up to $2 million will provide additional monies you need if you are catastrophically injured.

Purchasing excess underinsured motorist coverage is really a no brainer to protect yourself at a low cost.

Contact Our Vancouver Lawyers

At Warnett Hallen LLP, our ICBC lawyers in Vancouver can review your case and help you to assess all of your options, which may include filing a no-fault benefit claim with ICBC or other insurance companies. We offer support for your recovery not just legally but also throughout your recovery and your injury claim.

Our goal is to evaluate and work to determine the extent of physical and emotional injuries suffered in an accident, ensure the best treatment possible for recovery, and prepare a strong case for maximum compensation.

The car accident injury lawyers in Vancouver, BC at Warnett Hallen LLP never defend ICBC or the insurance companies. We represent injured claimants only. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.