While traumatic brain injuries are relatively uncommon, they unfortunately still occur and change the lives of nearly two million people in the United States each year. If you or a loved one has recently been involved in an accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury (TBI), it’s important that you understand your rights.
What is TBI and how is It Diagnosed?
Specifically, a traumatic brain injury occurs when some kind of external force causes a blow to the head. Auto accidents are by far the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries, but some other potential sources of TBIs include:
- sports injuries
- fighting
- war-related injuries
- accidental falls
A traumatic brain injury must be diagnosed by a medical professional. This is typically done by assessing various aspects of the patient, including motor responses, verbal responses, eye responses, and the like. Additionally, CT scans may need to be performed (as well as MRIs in some cases) to check for swelling and bleeding in or around the brain.
Caring For a Traumatic Brain Injury
If a person is diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, treatment and management options can vary greatly depending on the extent of the injury itself. In most cases, some form of rehabilitation in the form of physical therapy, speech therapy, and/or language therapy will be required. In more serious cases of traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical intervention may be required in addition to these rehabilitative therapies.
Unfortunately, a traumatic brain injury can have serious and lasting impacts on a person’s life. Many daily activities can become extremely difficult and even impossible for those with traumatic brain injuries. Students, for example, may have a hard time keeping up with their academics. Many people with traumatic brain injuries are unable to work because they will become easily overwhelmed and fatigued.
Depending on the extent of the injury, many physical activities (especially those requiring careful coordination) can become extremely difficult.
Combine all of these physical symptoms with the fact that people with traumatic brain injuries are more likely to develop mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and it’s easy to see how traumatic brain injuries have a lasting impact on a person’s life.
Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one has suffered from a traumatic brain injury as a result of somebody else’s negligence, then you may be wondering what steps to take. You may be entitled to compensation as a result of your injuries, so consulting with an experienced personal injury lawyer is always a good idea. He or she will be able to assess the specifics surrounding your accident and provide valuable legal guidance moving forward.
You may be able to collect compensation for things like medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and the like. A personal injury lawyer will also be able to help you navigate the complicated legal process.
To schedule your free consultation or to find out more about how we can help with your case in the Vancouver area, contact the team at Warnett Hallen LLP today.