Category: Personal Injury Lawyer

Getting cosmetic surgery is a decision people often make to enhance their appearance and boost their self-image. Patients trust their doctors to provide quality medical care that meets their expectations. Understandably, they can experience intense physical and emotional pain when cosmetic surgery goes wrong. Are you wondering about your legal options if you were injured […]

Drivers need to be watchful for pedestrians when driving around Vancouver and British Columbia, especially during the winter months. Slick roads and poor visibility make it harder for drivers to maneuver and stop safely, putting pedestrians at increased risk of injury. Why Are Pedestrians More Prone to Road Fatalities Than Motorists? Pedestrians are more likely […]

Fibromyalgia is estimated to affect roughly two percent of all Canadians, yet it’s a disease that’s widely misunderstood and difficult to diagnose. This can make it hard for sufferers to get the treatment they need and the public benefits that may make their lives easier. Are you suffering from fibromyalgia and struggling to obtain disability […]

Because mental health issues are invisible, employers are sometimes suspicious when workers seek disability for conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. However, mental illnesses can be incredibly debilitating. Statements from British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer suggest these issues have become increasingly common in recent years. A mental illness can impact your ability to function, maintain […]

Winter weather is here, and that means you need to take some extra precautions to stay safe when you’re on the roads. Ice and snow significantly increase your risks for accidents. If you have been injured in a winter car accident in Vancouver, the experienced car accident lawyers at Warnett Hallen are here to help […]

The warmer months of summer have finally arrived, which means more cyclists will be exploring local biking trails and sharing roads with motorists. If you’re a cyclist, be sure to follow some key tips for keeping yourself and others safe on the road! Know Your Route Being familiar with your route can help you make […]

Women who are involved in front-end car accidents are 73 percent more likely to sustain serious injuries than men, even when wearing seat belts, a study recently published in the journal Traffic Injury Prevention reports. Specifically, women are more susceptible to lower body injuries in the legs, spine, and abdomen. The data also shows that […]

Each year, serious injuries and even fatalities occur when pedestrians and motorists fail to understand right-of-way laws. As either a motorist or a pedestrian, it is your responsibility to be aware of and obey right-of-way laws, particularly as they relate to crosswalks. As a driver, having a better understanding of when pedestrians have the legal […]

If you or a loved one were recently involved in an auto accident in Vancouver, you may be entitled to compensation for the injuries you sustained. Finding a qualified personal injury lawyer should be your first course of action. It’s not uncommon for lawyers to claim they handle personal injury cases when in reality, their […]

Like many of you, we have been closely following this week’s news that ICBC wants to impose “injury caps” to reduce compensation for accident victims. There is one piece of good news: the proposed injury cap will not affect existing claims. It will only apply to claims for accidents that occur after April 1, 2019. […]