Category: Animal Attacks

Animal attacks are a frightening and unfortunate reality that can result in serious injuries and death. One of the most severe kinds of trauma stemming from an animal attack is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain injuries leave many survivors with lifelong disabilities that tremendously impact their quality of life. If you or a loved […]

Dog attacks can be terrifying and result in horrific injuries. Even more shocking is when the attack comes from what looks like an emotional support animal or service dog. But beware — any dog can bite, and not all dogs in vests are as trained as you might think. Sadly, fake service dog capes and […]

The consequences of a dog bite can be physically and mentally traumatic for the victim. Dog bites can cause painful injuries, illnesses, infections, and mental trauma. Recovering from an animal attack can be a lengthy and expensive process. But should you be expected to pick up the tab when someone else’s dog bites? You likely […]

Now that summer is on the horizon, the biking, walking and cycling trails around Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are becoming very busy. We want to encourage everyone to share the paths and use common sense to avoid encounters that can lead to personal injuries. People and pets alike need to co-exist in safety and […]